Linux Cookies

[TL;DR] I made 3D-printable models for Linux Cookie Cutters of 5 popular distros. Here are the (not entirely serious) installation instructions for the various distros as well as the cookie source code.
Linux Cookie Cutters
Figure 1: Linux Cookie Cutters

If you're in a hurry and just came for the STLs, here you are:

Linux Cookie Cutters on Github

/Please keep in mind that they're just prototypes and need improvement! You'll keep pretty and (depending on your baking skills) tasty cookies with them, but I still need to optimise them to need less filament, make them easier to clean etc. (Expect Linux Cookie Cutters v2 in about a week ;))/

Installation Instructions

Colorful Linux Cookies
Figure 1: Colorful Linux Cookies

Note: it's just meant as a joke, linux-cookies are not part of any official package repositories ;)

Arch Cookie Installation

An Arch Cookie during theme installation
Figure 1: An Arch Cookie during theme installation

First install the necessary dependencies:

pacman -S flour butter sugar eggs

Most systems have the kitchen server already installed, if not install the following utilities as well:

pacman -S kitchen-oven kitchen-bowl kitchen-scale

And if you want some niceties like an icing bag:

pacman -S kitchen-extra

Then configure oven, bowl and scale settings in the corresponding configuration files:

echo "unit = celsius" >> /etc/kitchen/oven
echo "size = big" >> /etc/kitchen/bowl
echo "unit = gram" >> /etc/kitchen/scale

Finally, install the arch-cookie package:

pacman -S arch-cookies

You'll get slim and fast cookies without unnecessary bloat that taste exactly as you want them to taste, your system (body) won't gain a single gram in weight from them.

Gentoo Installation

Raw Linux Cookie package
Figure 1: Raw Linux Cookie package

In Gentoo packages are compiled from source. Go to the next field and harvest some wheat for your flour, find some chicken for eggs and get a cow for butter.

As soon as you collected the ingredients, prepare your system:

First enable ingredient support in the kernel, do make menuconfig and apply the following changes:

Kernel Hacking --->
   Cookie Options --->
     <*> Enable fuzzy flour
     <*> Force extended sugar

Then setup the kernel for baking support:

Device Drivers --->
   Baking support --->
    Baking Devices --->
      <*> Oven Support
      <*> Bowl Support
      <*> Scale Support

Save and exit from the configuration and rebuild the kernel:

make -j $(nproc)
make modules_install
make install

This will take a while. After installation finishes reboot your system.

Then set the right variables for oven and scale in /etc/portage/make.conf, which value you need depends on your oven and scale manufacturers.

An example configuration for a Siemens oven and a Wmf scale:



Afterwards set your USE flags. Available USE flags for gentoo-cookies:

Local USE flags:

  • vanilla for vanilla flavour
  • chocolate for chocolate flavour
  • cinnamon for cinnamon flavour
  • wheat for wheat flour
  • spelt for spelt flour
  • offensive, warning: changes your cookies to offensive shapes

Global USE flags:

  • vegan for vegan cookies

For example to enable vanilla flavour do:

echo "linux-cookies/gentoo-cookies vanilla" >> /etc/portage/package.use/gentoo-cookies

When you're done with the setup install /linux-cookies/gentoo-cookies:

emerge --ask linux-cookies/gentoo-cookies

Configure the kitchen-utilities as described in the Arch section and after only 6h you're done.

You'll get fast and tiny cookies that are fine-tuned for your system (body), your digestion will run faster than ever before and you'll probably even lose package weight with them.

Ubuntu/Kali/Debian Installation

Linux Cookies without theme
Figure 1: Linux Cookies without theme

Open a terminal and type

sudo apt-get install linux-cookies

The package comes bundled with all necessary (and unnecessary) dependencies as well as the kitchen utilities.

The resulting cookies will be a full fat version: they'll contain lots of stuff you'll never need but they're done very fast. Your system gains at least 1000g package weight.

Cookie Source Code

Linux Cookies with theme
Figure 1: Linux Cookies with theme

The source code is written in C to make the baking process as fast as possible ;)

Again, just a joke, the code is written to look like and be used as a cookie recipe, not so much to make sense.

If you run linux-cookies, it'll guide you through the baking process step by step.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

typedef struct {
  int temperature;
  char mode[30];
} Oven;

typedef struct {
  char name[20];
  int amount;
  char unit[5];
} Ingredient;

typedef struct {
  int cookie_number;
  char cookie_type[20];
} Cookie_Sheet;

void set_oven_temperature(Oven, int, char*);
void mix_ingredients(Ingredient*, int);
void divide_dough();
void form_ball(int);
void cool(char*, int);
void roll_out_dough(double);
void cut_into_shapes(char *);
void add_cookies(Cookie_Sheet, char*, int);
void bake(int);
void clear_sheet(Cookie_Sheet);
void eat();
void wait_for_enter();

int main() {
  // initialise to zero because...we have no cookies when we start
  int num_cookies = 0;
  int dough = 0;
  int num_dough_ingredients = 4;

  // prepare the following list of ingredients for the dough
  Ingredient dough_ingredients[4] = {{"flour", 1000, "g"},
                                      {"butter", 500, "g"},
                                      {"sugar", 400, "g"},
                                      {"eggs", 2, "pc"}};

  // prepare a bowl that's big enough to hold all the ingredients
  Ingredient* dough_bowl = malloc(num_dough_ingredients * sizeof *dough_bowl);

  // the initial heat of my oven is 20 degrees celcius, no mode is set
  Oven myOven = {20, "none"};

  // preheat the oven to 175 degree
  printf("Step 1:\n");
  set_oven_temperature(myOven, 175, "upper_lower_heat");

  // put the ingredients into the bowl
  printf("Step 2:\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < num_dough_ingredients; i++) {
    dough_bowl[i] = dough_ingredients[i];
    printf("Add %d %s of %s into the bowl.\n", dough_ingredients[i].amount,


  // mix them
  printf("Step 3:\n");
  mix_ingredients(dough_bowl, num_dough_ingredients);

  // set dough flag to 1, we have dough now
  dough = 1;

  // divide the dough into 4 pieces and form balls
  printf("Step 4:\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    form_ball(i + 1);

  // cool the dough for 60min
  printf("Step 5:\n");
  cool("dough", 60);

  // Prepare a cookie sheet
  Cookie_Sheet cookie_sheet = {0};

  // Roll out the dough 0.5cm thick
  printf("Step 6:\n");

  // set all cookie types to 0 because we have none yet
  int arch_cookie = 0;
  int gentoo_cookie = 0;
  int debian_cookie = 0;
  int ubuntu_cookie = 0;
  int kali_cookie = 0;

  // loop as long as we have dough and energy to bake,
  // this should be 100 cookies
  // note: sometimes a bug occurs: there's dough left after 100 cookies
  // in this case you can forcefully set the dough flag to 0 by eating the rest
  // side effects of this hack: nausea and diarrhea on older systems
  printf("Step 7:\n");
  while (dough) {

    if (num_cookies < 20) {
      add_cookies(cookie_sheet, "arch", num_cookies + 1);

      if (arch_cookie == 20) {


    else if (num_cookies < 40) {
      add_cookies(cookie_sheet, "gentoo", num_cookies - 20 + 1);

      if (gentoo_cookie == 20) {

    else if (num_cookies < 60) {
      add_cookies(cookie_sheet, "debian", num_cookies - 40 + 1);

      if (debian_cookie == 20) {

    else if (num_cookies < 80) {
      add_cookies(cookie_sheet, "ubuntu", num_cookies - 60 + 1);

      if (ubuntu_cookie == 20) {


    else {
      add_cookies(cookie_sheet, "kali", num_cookies - 80 + 1);

      if (kali_cookie == 20) {


    if (num_cookies == 100) {
      dough = 0;

  // Cool cookies for 60min
  printf("Step 8:\n");
  cool("cookies", 60);

  printf("Step 9: Guten Appetit.\n");

void set_oven_temperature(Oven oven, int temperature, char *mode)
  oven.temperature = temperature;
  strcpy(oven.mode, mode);
  printf("Set oven temperature to %d %s.\n", temperature, mode);

void mix_ingredients(Ingredient bowl[], int num_ingredients)
  int i, j = 0;
  Ingredient temp = {"", 0, ""};


  for (i = 0; i < num_ingredients; i++) {
    j = rand() % num_ingredients;
    temp = bowl[i];
    bowl[i] = bowl[j];
    bowl[j] = temp;
    printf("Mix, mix, mix...\n");

void divide_dough() {
  printf("Divide the dough.\n");

void form_ball(int number) {
  printf("Form ball number %d from dough.\n", number);

void cool(char *name, int time) {
  printf("Cool %s for at least %d minutes.\n", name, time);

void roll_out_dough(double height) {
  printf("Roll the dough out to %f cm thick\n", height);

void cut_into_shapes(char *shape) {
  if (!(strcmp(shape, "arch"))) {
        printf("Cut an %s cookie!\n", shape);
  else {
    printf("Cut a %s cookie!\n", shape);

void add_cookies(Cookie_Sheet cookie_sheet, char *cookie_type, int number)
  strcpy(cookie_sheet.cookie_type, cookie_type);
  printf("Add %s-cookie number %d to sheet...\n", cookie_type, number);

void bake (int seconds) {
  int minutes = seconds / 60;
  printf("Put cookies in oven and wait for %d minutes.\n", minutes);
  printf("Cookies are done! Get them out of the oven!\n");
  printf("Are you ready to continue?\n");

void clear_sheet(Cookie_Sheet cookie_sheet) {
  cookie_sheet.cookie_number = 0;
  strcpy(cookie_sheet.cookie_type, "no_cookies :(");

void eat() {
  printf("nom nom nom...\n");

void wait_for_enter(){
        while (1){
                printf("Press ENTER to continue...\n");
                char x = getchar();
                if (x == '\n' || x == EOF)

Made with Emacs :)
